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Things to Consider Before Installing a Dog Fence: Insights from a Fence Installation Company in Glenview, Illinois

Fence installation company in Glenview Illinois

Things to Consider Before Installing a Dog Fence: Insights from a Fence Installation Company in Glenview, Illinois

Do you have a dog? If so, having a fence around your backyard can make life a lot easier. A dog fence will give you the ability to let your dog outside for long periods of time without your supervision. This can benefit your dog in a variety of ways, leading to improved happiness and well-being.

Are you thinking about installing a dog fence around your backyard? Before you do, this fence installation company in Glenview, Illinois is going to discuss some of the key things you should consider.

Best Materials for Dog Fences

First, let’s discuss the fencing materials that are best for dog fences. Some materials are much better suited than others.


Wood is always a good material to use for a dog fence. Not only is it tough and solid, but it can also be built so that it doesn’t possess any gaps. This allows it to confine dogs of all sizes.

In addition, wood fencing can be made to be almost entirely opaque. This is beneficial, as it prevents dogs from seeing what’s happening on the other side of the fence. This helps keep barking to a minimum, and it also reduces the risk of the dog trying to get over, under, or through the fence.

Wood fencing can be built to any height by your local fence installation company in Glenview, Illinois. Therefore, regardless of your dog’s height or leaping ability, a wood fence can successfully confine it.


When it comes to confining dogs, vinyl offers most of the same benefits as wood. The only difference is that it’s limited in terms of the heights it can be built. Whereas wood can be built to any height, vinyl typically stands at six feet tall.


Composite is in the same boat as vinyl. It does an excellent job of confining dogs, but it’s limited in terms of the heights it can be built at.

Chain Link

Chain link is a suitable fencing material for confining dogs. Note, though, that it has some flaws.

For one, chain link fencing can be seen through. Therefore, it doesn’t do much to block a dog’s visibility. This often results in increased barking and might even tempt your dog to chase after things it sees.

In addition, chain link fencing has the potential to curl up as it ages. If this happens, your dog might be able to escape under it.

Apart from that, it’s a good choice for confining dogs. It can be built to any height by your fence installation company in Glenview, Illinois, and it’s impossible for dogs to break through physically.

Things to Consider When Building a Fence for Dog Confinement

There are several things to consider when building a fence for confining dogs.

First and foremost, you’ll want to consider your dog’s height and leaping ability. If you own a tall dog that can clear great heights, your fence installation company in Glenview, Illinois may recommend installing a fence that is greater than six feet tall.

You should also consider your dog’s barking tendencies. Does your dog bark every time it sees a creature or human being? If so, you’re probably better off going with an opaque material as opposed to a transparent or translucent one.

The last thing to consider is your dog’s width. Narrow dogs will easily make it through materials like wrought iron and steel. Wide dogs, on the other hand, can be confined with any fencing material.

Looking for the Top-Rated Fence Installation Company in Glenview, Illinois?

Are you interested in installing a dog fence around your yard? If you’re looking for the top-rated fence installation company in Glenview, Illinois, look no further than the team at Action Fence.

We’ve installed all types of fences around countless backyards throughout the Glenview area. Regardless of your preferences, we are the people to call. Contact us today at (847) 949-6690 to schedule a free consultation.

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