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Vinyl Fencing Pros and Cons; Insights from an Evanston New Fence Company

Vinyl fence around a house in Evanston, Illinois

Vinyl Fencing Pros and Cons; Insights from an Evanston New Fence Company

Are you considering installing a new fence? Are you thinking about going with vinyl fencing, in particular? Before you go ahead with the installation, it’s important to do some research to make sure it’s the right choice.

In other words, you’ll want to know all about the pros and cons of vinyl fencing in Evanston, Illinois. Fortunately, we can help you with that. They are as follows:

The Pros of Vinyl Fencing

Low Maintenance

One of the biggest benefits of vinyl fencing is that it’s relatively low maintenance. This material holds up well against moisture, sunlight, and most forms of physical trauma. As such, it doesn’t need to be stained, sealed, or protected against the elements.

What it does need is a basic cleaning from time to time. This can generally be done with soap and a rag, and it typically only needs to be done every six months or so.


Vinyl fencing isn’t just low maintenance — it’s also quite durable. At a minimum, it should last around 30 years. At its maximum, it can last for over 50 years.

Note, though, that its exact lifespan has a lot to do with the weather conditions it’s exposed to. If it’s constantly being hammered by snow and rain, it will likely give in sooner than it would in a milder climate.

Available in a Variety of Styles

Vinyl fencing has changed a lot over the years. It used to be available only in solid colors. Now, however, it’s available in a wide variety of styles. There is vinyl fencing designed to look like wood, vinyl fencing designed to look like stone, and, yes, vinyl fencing designed with a single, solid color.

As such, regardless of your aesthetic preferences, there should be a vinyl fencing material out there that fits your home. Vinyl might not have the natural charm of wood and stone, but it still looks and performs quite well.


Vinyl fencing isn’t the most affordable fencing material on the market, but it’s not the most expensive either. It’s just a bit more expensive than wood and a little less expensive than composite.

In most cases, it will cost between $19 and $35 per linear foot. That’s a very reasonable price considering its durability and lack of maintenance needs.

The Cons of Vinyl Fencing

Lacks the Authentic Aesthetic of Other Materials

Aesthetically speaking, vinyl is a copycat material. It can be made to look like wood, and it can be made to look like stone, but it doesn’t actually possess the authentic aesthetic of those two materials. It has a more “manufactured” feel to it.

This isn’t to say that it looks bad, by any means. However, if a natural aesthetic is your main goal, then it might not be what you’re looking for in a fencing material.

Fades Over Time

Another disadvantage of vinyl fencing is that it tends to fade over time. It might start as a bright and eye-popping blue, but it could eventually be reduced to a dull, almost neutral color over time.

Yes, it is possible to paint a vinyl fence. However, it doesn’t quite have the same effect as painting a wood fence, for instance. As such, once a vinyl fence’s look has faded, it will never truly return to its original state.

Looking for a Fencing Company in Evanston, Illinois?

Is vinyl fencing right for your home? Are you looking to install a new fence in Evanston, Illinois? If so, we here at Action Fence are the people to see.

We know everything there is to know about installing new fences, having installed them around countless Evanston area homes. Regardless of your style and color preferences, we can help you find the right fence.

Contact us today to request a free quote!

  • Ella Starr
    Posted at 12:03h, 30 July

    Thank you for discussing how vinyl fencing is low maintenance. I am moving into a new home this summer. I will find a good vinyl fence company locally as well.